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Liver is one of the most important organs of the body, which will establish the lifeline system of animal. Liver plays a major role in the digestion, metabolism and utilisation of feed nutrients. Currently the poultry industry is facing metabolic disorders which involve the occurrence of fatty deposits in the liver. Fatty Liver Syndrome (FLS) is brought about by an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver of hen which weakens the cellular structure of the liver. This often results in an enlarge the liver and prone to bleeding. Because of excessive accumulation of fat in the liver will affects the detoxification of toxic substances of feeds, as well as the toxins produced in the body. If the disease is fatal, there will be high chances of blood loss from an internal hemorrhage in the liver. Fatty Liver Syndrome is the major cause of mortality, weight loss, decrease feed conversion, increased amount of abdominal fat, there by poor health of the birds and dropdown in production.

A good nutritional support would assist the liver in keeping up its activities well. LIVASURE is a next generation stimulants which helps in keeping the liver in a good condition. The pet liver supplement is stimulated with yeast and vitamins and works to strengthen the liver reconcile liver-related diseases and improve overall health of the liver. LIVASURE works as a liver protection, thus it ensures healthy birds with high productivity.


  • Prevention of liver damage from mycotoxins & avoid perosis.
  • Minimised liver damage due to pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungi & to overcome hypertrophy of liver.
  • Increased liver secretions for better digestion and boost liver function.
  • Faster recovery from stress & diseases of all types.
  • Enhance flock immunity, Improved Growth, FCR, Fertility & Hatchability.


Each 10 ml Contains: Tricholine citrate 1250 mg, Choline chloride 250 mg, Protein hydrolysate 1000 mg, Liver extract 1000 mg, Selenomethionine 100 mcg, Sorbitol 200 mg, Ferrous 65 mg, B12 10 mcg, Biotin 6 mcg, Inositol 10 mg, Sylmarin 10 mg, Nicotinic acid 6 mg, Yeast 0.4 mg


  • Shake Well Before Use.
  • Broilers: 5-10 ml daily per 100 birds through drinking water from 2nd to 6th week.
  • Growers / Layers: 20ml daily for 10days.
  • In case of acute liver damage the dose should be doubled or as advised by the Poultry Consultant.
  • Not for Human Use. This is for animal treatment only.