+91 7095992999

Pre Lyte


The basic fundamental component of in aquaculture is quality of the water and quality of the pond. In aqua farming system due to excess feed, faecal matter and sudden increase or decrease in algal and also metabolic waste, dead species, and microbial populations damaging the quality of the water. Apart from these physicochemical parameters such as salinity, pH, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide does play a vital role in the survival and growth of Shrimp, prawn and Fish.

Unless the pond water and pond bottom are not taken care properly, there will be high Viral, Bacterial, Algae and Fungal loads competing for D.O., causing stress and health problems to culture species.

Pre-Lyte cleans water and keeps pond from free toxic gases environment, offers good bio-security and congenial surroundings for healthy growth of species leading to better yields. Pre-Lyte contains HSCAS (Zeolite) compounds which are mechanized as decrease the accumulation of toxic substance and tissues, thus decreasing the incidence of internal disorders. Pre-Lyte having very good binding ability due to its structure. Pre-Lyte offers a vast surface area for absorption and makes the habitat of Shrimp, Prawn and Fish clean and healthy.


  • Pre-Lyte offers a vast surface area for absorption and makes the habitat of Shrimp, Prawn and Fish clean and healthy.
  • Renders the pond water and bottom more clean, safe and healthy thereby facilitating better surroundings and good production.
  • It sinks to the bottom and starts its action immediately on the “Toxicity”.
  • Does not consume pond water D.O. for its multiplication and does not change other pond
  • parameters. Its prevents pH fluctuation, reduces mmonia level and improves dissolved oxygen.


HSCAS (Zeolit) with water recycling compounds.

Dosage Schedule

40 to 50 kg per ha or as advised by the consultant

Storage Conditions

Store in cool, dry places for optimal shelf life. Away from the direct sunlight.