+91 7095992999



The ban of antibiotic growth promoters in feed for production of animal foods across the world has increased interest in evaluating the effect of yeast products (YP) on the gastrointestinal ecosystem, rumen microbial populations and overall animal performance. VenSacch is a feed ingredient produced from a high quality Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell wall. VenSacch provides the nutritional platform to sustain the animal growth and reduces fluctuation in pH and keeps gastrointestinal active. VenSacch works as a best solution to safeguard all livestock animals and see the performance of farmed aquaculture species as well as supporting environmental quality, in a natural way. VenSacch comprises Boulardii grown is a medium consisting of wheat bran, ground corn, sugar, molasses & other nutrients. VenSacch is the dried product composes of yeast and the media on which it was grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve a fermenting activity of the yeast.


  • It provides digestion of Feed.
  • Better weight gain and improves FCR.
  • Improves Gut fermentation
  • Maintains pH and strong health population of firer digestion bacteria.
  • Increases milk yield.

Dosage Schedule

Dairy Animals : 30-50 gm per animal.
Poultry : 500gms – 1kg per tonne of feed.
Fish/Prawn : 1 kg-2 kg per tonne of Feed or as advised by the consultant.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae and boulardil cells not less than 2.5x109 CFU/GM.


Proteins, Fats, Fiber, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Minerals and digestible enzymes